Nick Kocher
Hello! My name is Nick, and I am a Reiki practitioner and Holistic wellness coach! Before I go too far, I want to share a bit about myself and be transparent about my privileges, my frame of the world, and my intentions. I grew up in a middle-class family in the suburbs of Northeast Ohio. Both of my parents are highly educated and encouraged me into higher Education from a very young age. All through my teenage years and early twenties, I hopped around in various blue collar jobs and a few more technical jobs as an engineering technician. I gained valuable experience and perspectives. I was somewhat groomed into becoming an environmental engineer like my father, and thus I earned my master’s degree in environmental engineering from Cleveland State University. I didn’t enjoy my courses at all, but I felt I had something to prove, so I forced myself all the way through grad school, and learned how to master my neurodivergent mind along the way. 2 years after graduating, I realized that my heart wasn’t in it for environmental engineering work even though I have a passion for environmental preservation. The capitalist machine and conformity was not working for me. With a heavy heart, I eventually abandoned my career path that I spent so much time, energy, and finances to create, I felt like my life was spiraling out of control. My wife was supportive of me as I got my life back on track, and we soon both heard our inner calling towards holistic wellness.
My education as an environmental engineer had taught me how to look at a complex system and how to consider a vast number of variables, and how to find a way to bring those systems into balance. Once I started applying this frame of mind to the study of holistic wellness, I realized that there are so many simple ways for us to bring ourselves into a state of relative balance and harmony. I became determined to learn as much as I could, so I may share what I learn with others.
My intentions for my work is to assist in bringing as many of these simple yet incredibly effective strategies, exercises, mindsets, and practices into the light, so others can apply what resonates to their own life to help them to thrive. I have taken notes and put into practice what I have learned over thousands of hours of personal development and holistic wellness content and courses so others don’t have to! I have taken the most impactful elements of my varied education from dozens of credible coaches, mental health professionals, and educators in order to achieve a humble holistic view of wellness that I can share with others. My experience in more esoteric holistic wellness modalities has changed everything! As a trained Reiki and Dragon Reiki practitioner, I am bringing spirituality and science together for transformative growth and healing. I am excited to share this with others to help better their lives and raise the collective!
Dragon (or Draconian) Reiki channels the same Universal Life Energy as traditional Reiki, and one can expect similar benefits to that of traditional Reiki. Dragon Reiki connects us with the ancient wisdom, love, and powerful energies of the Dragons - a practice going back centuries to ancient civilizations like Lumeria and Atlantis. This session also utilizes Dragons Blood Crystals and Fire Quartz for additional Crystal Energy Benefits!
Similar to angels, dragons exist as celestial beings that are aligned with the light and can assist with Reiki channeling. Many dragons act as healers and teachers, and these are the ones that our Dragon Healer, Nick, primarily connects with.
One amazing thing about Dragon energy is that it often feels very empowering. The Dragon’s blood crystals are used in this experience to enhance the dragon energies of love, wisdom, and empowerment. We will be divinely protected as Reiki is channeled for your highest good!
Come and experience the connection to Atlantian Dragon Energy as it heals and protects you from deep within.